Brassicas and Mustards are a diverse group of Vegetables breed from the Wild Mustard, first appearing over 5000 years ago in ancient Sumarian texts. There is constant development of new varieties and types of mustard. At Weaver Seed we are continuing the tradition of brassica development selecting the highest quality varieties. We are always looking for new and innovative uses for these crops.
Florida Broadleaf Mustard
Florida Broadleaf Mustard is prized for its massive leaves and mild flavor. Not only are they delicious, but they provide many benefits to the soil when incorporated into cover crop mixes, or when gown alone as a cover crop. They explode in growth, flowering at around 7 feet tall with a cluster of beautiful golden flowers. Florida Broad Leaf is heavily utilized by pollinators, provides delicious vegetables, and can be grown for seed.
Florida Broadleaf Mustard, as well as Southern Giant Curl Mustard are Indian mustards with 18 chromosomes.

Broccoli has uses outside of its traditional consumption. Sprouts from broccoli seed have been shown to posses high quantities of cancer preventative compounds, namely sulphuriphane, as well as high contents of vitamin K, B, and C. In addition to the medical benefits seen from sprouts, broccoli is an excellent source of calcium and many other nutrients.
Southern Giant Curl Mustard
Southern Giant Curl is quite similar to floarida broadleaf Mustard, the primary difference being the thickness of the leaf, and the shape of the leaf margin. Both are fantastic as cover crops, and delicious culinary varieties.
Red Cabbage
Red Cabbage is an interesting plant that is full of rich antioxidants, and grows on a diverse range of soils. One of the interesting characteristics that have lead the red cabbage to be considered a PH tester, is the response it has to different soil PHs. In acidic soil it will grow red, in neutral it will grow purple, and in alkaline soils it will have a lighter green color. Other than the interesting characteristics of this variety, it is a delicious vegetable that is utilized in culinary dishes all around the world.
Fight against Weeds, Insects, and Pathogens
Glucosinolate is a compound that is found throughout the Mustard plant. This compound is a mustard plants natural defense against insects, bacteria, and fungi. These chemicals are the spicy element of mustard, and while we like to eat it for the flavor, bugs do not feel the same. By adding in mustard to standard crop rotations you can build up these chemicals in the soil, and provide lasting protection against many harmful insects, such as Nematodes, or harmful fungi like root rot. This process is called Bio fumigation